
Ausstellung / Exhibition: MULTIFORM MADNESS (Feelings are Facts)

MULTIFORM MADNESS Feelings are Facts

25. Juni – 8. Oktober 2023 / June 25 - October 8,2023

Künstler:innen / Artists

TH Anatol


Máté Janky

Eszter Nagy

Petr Nápravník

Márió Nemes Z.

Gábor Pap

Florian Pfaffenberger

Stach Szumski

Dominika Trapp

Chin Tsao

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition duration 16. April – 11. Juni 2023

Kurator:innen / Curators Lőrinc Borsos

Die Ausstellung hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, einen sich ständig verändernden Raum zu schaffen, der das Verhältnis von künstlerischer Kreativität und Manie untersucht. In diesem Kontext wird das Gebäude des Kunstvereins Eisenstadt zum Archiv der manischen Energien, das an die Ikonographie von Klöstern und geschlossenen Anstalten erinnert.

Die Manie, interpretiert als „visionäre Nicht-Wirklichkeit“ (Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh), erschafft neue Welten. Die Ausstellung ist eine Tafel der Manien, ein System beziehungsweise eine Maschine des Aufzeichnens, die die weltenerschaffenden Prinzipien pluraler Manien darstellt. Die Kurator:innen wollen keine hierarchischen Beziehungen errichten; die Arbeit ent- und besteht in der gemeinsam und kollaborativ in der "Anstalt"verbrachten Zeit. Die Gemeinschaft der Manischen verweist auf die manische Energie, die in den Tiefen aller Gemeinschaftlichkeit am Werke ist.


The exhibition aims to create an ever-changing space that explores the relationship between artistic creativity and mania. In this context, the building housing the Kunstverein Eisenstadt is transformed into an archival medium for manic energies, bringing into play the iconography of monasteries and mental institutions.

Mania as "visionary unreality" (Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh) creates new worlds. The exhibition is a mania tabula, a system or machine of recording that displays the world-making workings of plural manias. The curators did not want to establish hierarchical relations: the work is created collaboratively during the time spent together in the "institute". The community of maniac’s points to the manic energy at work in the depths of all communality.


HOLLOW (Sound by Thea Soti & Yinna)
The Compass, mixed media, 2023
The Compass gathers objects, sound, and narrative fragments from Hollow’s immersive performance Aura. Aura is an imaginary world based on a research in which the three artists (Viktor Szeri, Tamás Páll, and Gyula Muskovics) investigated the dynamics and world-building strategies of grassroots communities in Eastern Europe. In the exhibition, two other threads appear (Circus and Sanatorium No. 6) that emerged during the creation process.

NNN3, installation, 2023
The clusters are collages, scratches and found visual materials – traces of confused cognitive functions harmonizing visual perception.

Márió Z. NEMES
Kopfzusammenschnürungs-maschine (Head-being-tied-together-machine), mixed media, 2023
The work attempts to enter into a dialogue with the private mythology and paranoid world-creation of Daniel P. Schreber (1842-1911) by using and re-contextualising the motifs of his self-portrait Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranen (1903).

Gábor PAP
why not? – Sweet Dreams!, oil and acrylic on canvas
why not? – Imaginary Exhibition, oil and acrylic on canvas
Local Transparency, mixed media on nylon
The paintings start as amorphic scenes in which a storyline is created by mixing associative personal and found motifs together. It is as if the figures are words before they are spoken, evoking in their incompleteness the difficulty of narration, while forming peculiar dramaturgies in the viewer’s mind.

Dominika TRAPP and TH ANATOL
DAC/Defiance, mixed media, 2002-2018
“Haim dan masza na szonat só cse szacacz ly zobyi negy qa asziop.”
This sentence is one of the many messages TH Anatol has sent me on messenger over the years. It makes no sense in any language except Anatol’s, since the only person who understands it is him. Sometimes he sends audio recordings as well, which are heartbreakingly beautiful, like a long forgotten folk song from a mountain village. Despite his sudden stroke in 2019, he is still a poet and musician, though his expressive toolbox has changed. Without knowing better, I usually answer with an emoji or take a picture of whatever is in front of me, but now, in the context of this exhibition, I had the chance to formulate a proper response. As I studied Anatol’s drawings, I discovered the surprising similarity between his self-portraits and my own. Though we may not understand each other in words, I am sure we have wandered into similar landscapes on our path to finding ourselves.

TH Anatol, János BORSOS, Stach SZUMSKI
Tribute Wall, mixed media

Wobblecam 2, mixed media, 2023
The collages are developed by using various generative tools and methods for creating image assets and applying their logic as an appropriative artistic practice.

Chlorine, mixed media, 2023
Chlorine attempts to recreate and reiterate atmospheric visual elements of horror kitsch & harsh noise subcultural aesthetics by using an array of found materials and mythologized items.

Go, mutimedia installation (glass, paper, hot glue, dry plants, spray paint), 2023
In this strange place with strange people.
Unanimated objects hang around as the life is still.
Night after night, no one gets out, only shadows crush through the broken way

Photos: Alfredo Barsuglia

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